serangan iran ke atas pasukan tentera amerika syarikat di iraq 2020 bahasa Inggris
- serangan: assault; attack; brunt; onset; attacks;
- iran: iranian; eshtehardi; islamic republic of iran;
- ke: go to; on; on the floor; onto; to; into; unto;
- ke atas: on to; up; upwards; on to / onto; upward
- atas: above; on; up; upon; top of page; head; upper;
- pasukan: contingent on; squad; team; troop; troops; troops
- pasukan tentera: army; battalion; brigade; legion
- tentera: regular army; army; martial; soldier; military;
- tentera amerika syarikat: military of the united states
- amerika: america; american; americas; shreveport; grand
- amerika syarikat: usa; united states
- syarikat: co.; company; firm; line; business enterprise;
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- iraq: axis of evil; al-iraq; shia crescent; republic of
- serangan iraq ke atas kuwait: invasion of kuwait